Samuel Calvert was born in Franklin County, Kentucky, March 1, 1831, being the son of Isaac and Mildred
(Chambers) Calvert, both natives of Virginia. One brother, Cyrus, is in Kentucky, and one sister, Nancy Mullin,
is in White Oak Township, this county. Samuel was reared on a farm, and December 19, 1854, he was
married to Miss Amanda E. Bodkin in Harrison County, Kentucky. March 31, 1868, she departed this life, and on
April 27 of the following year he was married in Clarke County, Missouri, to Miss Mary S. Beckett, a native of
that county. She died in January, 1875. March 22, 1876, he married Mrs. Harriet N. Sullivan, whose maiden
name was Wisely. She has one daughter, now the wife of S. C. Armstrong. Mr. Calvert has four children by his
first marriage: Isaac N. (in Washington Territory), Catherine Z. (wife of James Shipp), Wilham S. and Mollie
Belle. His second wife left him two children, Woodford and Ellen, in Clarke County. Mr. Calvert came to Henry
County in 1858 and bought 620 acres of land. His farm now contains 280 acres, and he has been handling
stock more or less while living here, now having one car load feeding, with about fifty head of stock cattle.
During the war he served under Colonel Marmaduke and was wounded at the fight of Lone Jack. He is a
thorough business man and a most hospitable gentleman.
1883 History of Henry Missouri , National Historical Co., pg: 732