John Lafayette Ludwick

Mound Township – John Lafayette Ludwick is among the old settlers of Bates, and stands prominent as one who has been identified with the various interests of the county since its first settlement. Not only has he seen these prairies turn into beautiful homes, but has put his hand to the plow and has done much to make Bates County what it now is. He was born in Licking County, Ohio, January 31, 1829, his parents being George and Susan (Lutzenheizen) Ludwick, of German ancestry. In 1839 the family came to Bates County, and the surviving members of the family are still living in Western Missouri, one sister and one brother in Deepwater Township. The first settlement was made near Johnstown, in Spruce Township.
December 25, 1851, Mr. Ludwick married Miss Mary E. Fletcher, who had just come to this county from Saline. In 1858 he went to Kansas and bought a claim in Linn County, but owing to the unsettled state of affairs at that time he remained but four months, abandoned his claim and then returned to Deepwater. August 17, 1862, he enlisted soon after the fight at Lone Jack and served through Missouri and Arkansas, taking part in all the principal actions until the
battle of Helena, July 4, 1863, when he was wounded in the head and shoulder, being in the hospital at Little Rock. When the place surrendered he was made prisoner and taken to St. Louis, Alton and Cairo, and finally sent to New Orleans for exchange, which was effected at the mouth of Red River, just in time to surrender with his command at Shreveport. On his return he found his family in Henry County, whither they had gone on account of Order No.
11. In 1874 Mr. Ludwick visited Texas and spent one year in Hayes County, but tiring of the South, he retraced his steps, and in 1880 moved to Butler, where he lived until recently, when he came to his farm seven miles north of town. His family has numbered eight children, but the three eldest died in infancy. The remaining five are: John Franklin, Andrew Bruce, Gustave Beauregard, Alice Medora and Arthur Lee. Mr. Ludwick has held many positions of trust in the

(History of Bates County, Missouri, 1883)