Wilson Arnold, section 4, was born in Gwinnett County, Georgia, June 29, 1840, and was the son of Colonel Henry J. Arnold, a native of Virginia, and Mary Frances(Watley) Arnold, of Georgia. Wilson spent his youth until about eighteen years old on a farm at his birthplace. In 1856 he came to Missouri with his parents and located within three miles of Kansas City, but shortly after went to Kansas. They soon removed to Bates County, Missouri, on account of the Kansas troubles. Wilson Arnold took a trip to Texas in 1859 and spent two years in that state. Returning to Missouri in 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate service in June of that year under Colonel Payton, but was afterward transferred to Shelby’s First Missouri Cavalry and served till the close of the war, when he surrendered at Shreveport. He participated in the
fights of Lone Jack, Wilson’s Creek, Missouri; Prairie Grove, Helena, Jenkins’ Ferry, Arkansas, and Cape Girardeau. He was wounded at Lexington and also at Wilson’s Creek. After the final surrender he returned to his family, who had removed to Benton County, where he farmed for two years. In 1867 he went to Henry County and resided there ten years. In March, 1877, Mr. Arnold came to St. Clair County, locating on his present farm in March, 1882. He has 160
acres, all improved. Mr. Arnold was married in this county April 2, 1862, to Miss Hannah F. Hinkle, a native of Kentucky and a daughter of D. M. Hinkle, who was one of the pioneer settlers of St. Clair County. They have five children: James W., Henry J., George W., Ollie Octavia and Joseph M. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are members of the M. E. Church, South.
(1883 History of St. Clair County MO,)